In private, Owlman discovers that Luthor has created a trans-dimensional device that enabled him to transport to the Earth universe of the other Justice League and has Superwoman transport there in order to find the Quantum Trigger.Īt the Jester's hideout, Superman and Luthor discuss their options and decide they should split up into teams and hit multiple targets at the same time. Reconvening at the Crime Syndicate headquarters, the five surviving main members of the team discuss their Earth's persistent and increasing resistance against the Syndicate's control, and that they have been working on a quantum-powered weapon that would force the world governments to relinquish what little control they have left to the Syndicate or else face possible global annihilation. Wonder Woman takes over Owlman's chameleon-circuited jet and uses it to help the Justice League make their getaway, though frying its circuits in the process so that the jet stays in invisible mode. On their way there, though, Superwoman brings in other villains with powers similar to her own - Captain Super, Captain Super Junior, and Uncle Super - to chase after them. The Justice League successfully holds them off long enough for a retreat so Luthor can lead them to his former ally's hideout. However, as they transport into Luthor's Justice League headquarters, they are instantly ambushed by Superwoman and a team of her lieutenants who were busy ransacking the place searching for files and evidence. The Justice League then agrees to help Luthor deal with the Crime Syndicate, with Batman electing to stay behind to protect his Earth due to the limited manpower their team currently has. While the Justice League hold a private conference concerning whether to help this Luthor with his world's problem, Luthor hides the Quantum Trigger somewhere on board the Watchtower. Superman ascertains that this Luthor is from a different parallel Earth from his own and takes him aboard the Justice League Watchtower satellite where he explains that his own Earth is being terrorized by a group called the Crime Syndicate.
They barely make their escape when the Jester bravely sacrifices himself to deal with his pursuers, giving Lex Luthor time to transport himself to a parallel Earth where the Justice League, led by Superman, is contacted by the authorities of Luthor's appearance at a police station. Synopsis for "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (Movie)"Īt the beginning of the story, Lex Luthor and the Jester break into a high-security safe to steal an item called the Quantum Trigger. 2 Appearing in "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (Movie)".1 Synopsis for "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (Movie)".